Ethos and Values

Mission Statement :

‘Every day counts, every minute matters!’
Our mission statement ‘Every day counts, every day matters’ reflects our understanding and beliefs. We aim to ensure that the children at our school are provided with high quality learning experiences based on a broad and balanced curriculum. We strive to encourage all learners to value education and the benefits it brings.

Vision Statement :

At Ladygrove, we believe in developing learners who can embrace opportunities and face challenges both in and outside of the classroom.
We believe in educating the individual, fostering talents that are not just academic but developing sporting, musical and a range of interests, which are nurtured and encouraged.

Our school strives to be at the centre of the local community with positive and effective links to the wider and global communities.

We work hard to prepare children for life in 21st century Britain, by teaching children the importance of sustainability, the difference between right and wrong and how to learn from and respect similarities and difference in culture, race and gender.
Our children deserve the best and we see excellence in teaching as laying the foundations for life long success. We teach our children to become ‘good learners’; developing skills of resilience, reflection, reciprocity and resourcefulness; so they are equipped with learning skills that will prepare them for life in an ever-changing world!
We strive for all of our children to reach their full potential, through providing a context rich curriculum which broadens their experiences and develops their imagination, creativity and fascination in learning in a safe and happy environment.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development at Ladygrove Primary School and Nursery (SMSC)

At Ladygrove Primary School and Nursery Every child is seen as a unique individual and their talents, ranging from Sports to the Arts are given equal recognition. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. Pupils are encouraged to explore beliefs, experience and faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity and reflect on experiences

Spiritual Development

Spiritual development is an integral part of our life at Ladygrove. We have ensured our curriculum offer explores values and beliefs in which to inform a pupils’ perspective on life and respect for other people.

Moral Development

Within our daily lives here at Ladygrove, we provide children with opportunities to investigate moral and ethical issues in order to develop their ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, with a readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives.

Social Development

We teach children about the way their own community, as well as the wider society functions. We develop social skills through working and socialising with others from a variety of different backgrounds; learning to cooperate well with each other and resolve conflicts effectively.

Cultural Development

We celebrate diversity within our school and share knowledge and experience within the community. We provide opportunities to explore a variety of art, music, sport, science and festivals. We also develop an appreciation of cultural influences that have shaped the children’s own heritage.