
At Ladygrove Primary School we pride ourselves on being a friendly, happy and supportive school. We see children as individuals and work hard to nurture and develop them. We value the whole child and work hard to give all of our children a well- rounded education.

We celebrate creative and sporting successes, as well as the academic. We strive for all our children to reach their potential and we see excellence in teaching as laying the foundations for life-long success.

We believe in educating the ‘whole child’ and preparing them for life as a 21st century responsible citizen. We teach children the importance of sustainability and they have a good understanding of looking after the environment for generations to come, through our solar panels and school recycling programme. We have an active School Council which takes part in termly projects to improve our school. We also have a school Safeguarding Team and an ECO team. As a school, we recognise the importance of emotional wellbeing and mental health and are currently working towards our Mental Health Award.

At Ladygrove we value the importance of outdoor education. Children in the Early Years regularly take part in outside learning opportunities in our on-site ‘Forest’ area.

This outdoor education is further built on throughout KS1 and then into KS2, with outdoor activities such as rock climbing and canoeing, as well as residential trips to North Wales and London. 

Our teaching team pride themselves on delivering a curriculum which is broad, balanced, relevant and engaging! It is designed to broaden children’s experiences and develop their imagination, creativity and curiosity. Where possible, teachers plan lessons which are based on ‘real’ experiences and develop children into confident learners. Lessons are planned based on effective assessment for learning, allowing them to gain the skills to develop into literate and numerate citizens. We regularly invite visitors in to talk to the children and take children on visits to a wide range of places. We see this as important in developing a life-long love of learning.

Our school ‘SMART‘ code forms the basis of our school rules:
S = Speak politely and listen carefully
M = Make school enjoyable for everyone
A = Act safer and sensible
R = Respect any care for each other and the environment
T = Try your best at all times

This sets high standards for behaviour and develops an understanding of the difference between right and wrong. It teaches our children how to get along with others.

We actively teach our children to become ‘successful’ learners because this will prepare them for life in an ever changing world. They are taught the importance of resilience, resourcefulness, reflection and reciprocity through our school Learning Animals.


Tough Tortoise – keeps going when learning gets tough and does not give up. He shows the qualities of resilience and perseverance.

Resourceful Squirrel – is resourceful and uses things around him to help. He is independent and tries to solve problems independently first and then looks for help if needed.

Wise Owl – is reflective and thinks carefully about what he has learnt before to get better.

Team Ant – always works as a team. He is kind to his team-mates and knows that when we work together we can achieve more.

We work hard to develop links between home and school as we see this as the key to developing successful learners. Teachers are available to talk to parents at the start and end of the day and the school’s Senior Leadership are always available too!

If you would like to know more about our school then please contact the school’s Administration team on A2168@taw.org.uk  who will be happy to answer queries, questions or arrange a visit to our school.

Mrs Jo Weichlbauer Headteacher